Global sales increased in 2021

With exports rep­res­ent­ing 50% of sales in 2021, Calvados recor­ded a major upswing with a sig­ni­fic­ant global sales increase of 14.2%.
Last year, 4.8 mil­lion bottles were sold by the oper­at­ors united within the three con­trolled appel­la­tions (Appel­la­tions d’Origine Contrôlée)
After a low-key 2020, the French spirit boasts par­tic­u­lar suc­cess on the nation­al scene with a 30% growth in ship­ments across France.
On the inter­na­tion­al scale, the trend is slightly upward with an over­all increase of 1.4%.
Pommeau sales also increased
With a growth in shipments of 28.8%, 765,000 bottles of Pommeau were sold in 2021 (95% on the national market). 595,000 bottles of Pommeau de Normandie (+24%) and 170,000 bottles of Pommeau de Bretagne (+48%) were sold last year.
PDO ciders and perry are stable
With a total of 850,000 bottles sold in 2021, the four PDO cider and perry appellations had a stable year overall in 2021(+1% of sales).
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